Online Arbitration & Mediation

About Us

Cost Effective, Global, Online, Digital

Aribtration and Mediation

 Arbitration is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution whereby a dispute between two parties is resolved without the court system by an impartial 'Arbiter' or panel of 'Arbiters' that the parties agree to or are contractually obligated to utilize.

A decision is rendered by the individual or panel which is called an "award".  Such an award is legally binding upon the parties and is typically enforceable by courts. 

Arbitration is a faster and  more cost effective option than litigation.  Typically conflicts that are arbitrated are often settled prior to a hearing. 

GAM Services state of the art digital online platform allows for a faster, more cost effective option to those seeking resolution via arbitration.

Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution where a neutral intermediary, known as a 'Mediator' helps the parties to settle a dispute via a party driven negoatiated settlement.  Mediation is a voluntary process entered into by agreement of the parties involved.  Any settlement is recorded in a Settlement Agreement which can be enforcable against the parties as a binding agreement.  

Our Services

Online Digital Arbitration

Online Digital Arbitration or ODA is GAM Services' proprietary Arbitration Platform which is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) done completely digitally or online for the well being of all participants given today's global health concerns and protocols. 

GAM Services is able to handle disputes between individuals, businesses, municipalities and/or cross border or global issues due to our abilities as a digital platform to have arbiters in your specific region and those familiar with your type of dispute.

Online Digital Mediation 

Online Digital Mediation or ODM is GAM Services' proprietary Mediation Platform which is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) done completely digitally or online for for the well being of all participants given today's global health concerns and protocols. 

GAM Services is able to assist individuals, businesses, municipalities locally as well as  international disputes due to our ability as a digital platform to have mediators in your specific region and those familiar with your type of issue that can act as a neutral party to assist both parties in reaching a negotiated settlement.

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